A Need to Solve Software/Data Problems?

Here is your problem: Looking to increase rate at which the system generates returns by identifying company software or data constraints and fixing core software/data problems? Here's how this will be solved: Our software house will work with you on identifying both the problem and solution. From there we will recommend a team to get it solved fast. We make it affordable!. When we are done, this >spot< on this page is for your project, so get excited. Contact Us Today! Submit your info using our Contact Us or dial 773.980.9003

Data Assistant Corp is a here for you.

We aren't software, we are people with that are experts. Here to help you setup, automate, integrate and support your data and software tools and all their users.

Problems you might be facing within your organization:

- Lack of proper reports for your Operations People, or the office of the CFO
- Cumbersome or manual Data Integrations with 3rd party whether that is another system, vendor, or government entity.
- Manual human inefficient-based processes that were not scalable using software that digitizes processes.
- Systems that were not crosschecked against a brand standard or don't match brand statements.
- You are in Financial Service or Insurance and you are busy dealing with constant fires or maintenance.
- You have paper processes that don't have a matching digital/paperless process.
- You need Flexible packages and/or Monthly Subscription with access to development resources of various types to address certain project requirements with proper technical skills.

How we will solve it:

- We can connect your data source to Tableau / PowerBi , so you can build your drag and drop reports, without waiting for programmers to finish making an exact pdf report or going back and forth for 2 weeks on which column to add or remove.
- If you find data being slow or hard to transpose, Databricks has a platform just to solve that exact issue. We have helped companies pull data into "raw", curated, published buckets where data version resides on each step of the way. When done, users have access to published data, with accompanying release notes, and definitions of fields.
- Digitizing processes can be easily done with programming languages like Python, Elixir, Javascript. You build a quick site with forms, connect it to python cloud function and off you go. If you need millions of connections there is Elixir language for just that.
- If your core system is using Microsoft SQL Server, building stored procedures to export raw data is fairly easy, from there you load it into databricks, transform it, and give Powerbi/Tableau direct access to new flat file data. If you find that discovery of trends is your bottleneck then this process will work magic. If you find that all you need is the same financial reports, then merging the data with a data-warehouse might be a way to make it consistent and easy flowing. Kimball Data Model is something that comes to mind when strict data is needed.
- Most of the backbone systems on the internet run Linux. With our expertise in running Debian Linux in a cloud or hosted environment, you will be able to host software that stays alive for years. We have seen systems built, and only to be replaced 14 years later. Imagine the savings.
- While Mobile Apps for PlayStore/iOS/React Native apps are a good choice for some, the short url links like .link take you to a site where a customer or employee can self manage his problem is current trends. There are already multiple alternatives where custom links per customer can be created to personalize the experience.
- If you want light solutions, there are Airtable/Memberstack/Other no Code solutions.
- A Customer tailored Payment process, can increase your collections. We have seen 24/7 amazon connect systems start taking 1 million dollars in payments, to website that make paying streamlined, to getting a txt reminder received at _?_ pm to increase your active client base. (msg us if you want to know what hour gives best results) . Add a QR code to your invoice for easy to phone transition.
- From Docusign, to PandaDoc, there are number of solutions to offer a form with digital signature. Sending paper unless required or an invoice is no longer necessary. Digitize that process today and save on postage, paper, and maintenance.

Here is how we can make it affordable:
- Each of the projects we want to solve for you improves your business. Getting a gain of 0.5% improvement in some process, can turn it into thousands if not millions of additional revenue.
- 2 minutes of extra work * 200 employees * 260 working days can turn into 1733 hours of wasted time. Speeding up a process can easily pay for the effort in year one.
- We are transparent, so if we don't think the solution can save you money we will let you know not to pursue it. Using us to review a process at affordable rates can make it go from failure to success.
- Sometimes you don't need a full-time staff, but you need an expert to spend a few hours advising, teaching, or helping the team. We make improvements like this affordable without monthly subscription.

Can we start today:

- Reach out today, and get solving. We love solving companies problems, and are excited to talk to you. Call 773.980.9003 or submit your request now.

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119 S Emerson St  Suite #132Mt Prospect, IL 60056 773.980.9003